
Saturday, May 1, 2010

I think I'm going mad.

The school's production of Urinetown ended exactly 3 weeks from Monday. Since then, my schedual went from incredibly hectic and crazy to completely bare. All I do now when I'm not in school is Art Club, voice lessons, and acting class. Art club is a bit of a joke. We're supposed to be painting a mural. We're obviously not going to finish. I don't think anyone in my group has been there for months. Besides, it's only once a week after school for like an hour or so. Acting, which is, like, the highlight of my week, is for two hours on Wednesday evenings, but this Wednesday is the last class until July. My voice lessons are fun, but those are only an hour long. Yes, there are plenty of things I could (and should) be doing. Expand my repetoire, work on a resume, practice the song I'm singing for my voice teacher's recital, etc. And then there are all of those other "creative outlets" that I've totally neglected since Urinetown, like jewelry making and drawing. The thing is, it's just not the same.

I feel like I sound so melodramatic.

I used to love doing nothing all day, but I'm not used to it anymore. So now, that feeling that there's nothing I have to do is making me rip my hair out.

I've been looking to see if there are any auditions around that I at least come /close/ to qualifying for, but most auditions for females I've found have been looking for adults, like in their twenties. I finally found an audition in the paper, but it was incredibly vauge. They didn't mention ages they were looking for, when the audition was, or what to prepare. I suppose I'll have to email them to find out more.

On a totally unrelated note, I just found out that my acting teacher taught one of the actors in American Idiot. I'm pretty sure he said it was Michael Esper. How incredibly exciting to hear, that his students become so successful. It just makes me so much more eager for the next workshop this summer. Last summer we put on a production of the Canterbury tales, and this summer we're going to do Alice in Concert. I haven't been able to find much about it on the internet besides that Meryl Streep was in it.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's letting me comment now...strange..maybe it's cause I'm on Firefox on a different computer...?

Anyway, I think I covered basically everything in my reply to your comment on my entry, but I just wanted to say that I LOVE your new theme! Unfortunately, adding wordpress themes is next to impossible, so I'm pretty much limited to the ones wordpress provides...

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