
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


My voice recital was this past Sunday, and, though I only thought I did okay, my family, teacher, and like two people I don't know did tell me I did well. Though I've avoided watching this video like the plauge (I'm a little afraid to. I never liked hearing my own voice), I was wondering if you wanted to. I uploaded it to youtube because my parents wanted to share it with some friends and family. They tried emailing the video, but I guess the file was too big so it froze up our computer when they tried to receive it themselves. I showed my mom how to upload it to youtube so she could just send the link out.

It's wierd to think about, that I uploaded a video of myself that I haven't even seen. Probably not a good idea, but people were going to see it anyway. ;P

Anyway, yeah. I just figured maybe if anyone wanted to check it out and give me a critique or something...
Yeah. ;P

This is sort of a mini post, but I'll try to type up something in a bit more detailed tomorrow, when I should have more time.

Luckily, my last day of classes are on the 14th, and then tests are that week, but tests aren't a whole day, just a couple of hours.

Either way, that means in like a week I'll be pretty much done with school. Not only that, but I'll have a show and rehersals to talk about again. So I'll definately be able to get more posts on here more often.

Click HERE to check it out. :3


Anonymous said...

First off, I want to say that I read/saw this the day you posted it (on Tuesday), but I'm currently vacation and up to today, when I FINALLY convinced my parents to let me use the (paid) internet on my laptop, I was using internet on my phone...which can get pretty annoying. So while I did try to comment then, it wouldn't post...which I'm glad in retrospect, since I was only able to hear the audio on my phone, not the picture (???), and I loved SEEING you perform.

You have a very pretty voice, and I loved getting to see you perform a song I know so well! Vocally, I think we're definitely similar in terms of the timbre of our sopranos (we both have a bright sound). My main thing is that there were times your phrasing was a bit choppy. Now I know I myself also had trouble with that in this song (my voice teacher constantly reminded me about) and I noticed the Hope at my school had the same problem, so I think it's just something that needs to be fought against in the 3/4 tempo. At times your hands were a little awkward, because you were nervous, and I know I myself also have trouble figuring out what to do with my hands while performing, so that's why I noticed it. I would just recommend relaxing a little more and perhaps standing a little taller. Seriously though, it's always interesting to HEAR people sing after hearing them online, and you're definitely one of my favorite people I got to HEAR. I would love to hear you singing "Home" or "Tell Her I Loved Her". What else have you worked on with your voice teacher?

Overall, you just inspired me to go back to "Follow Your Heart" and perfect my rendition even more. Maybe I'll sing it and post me singing it too (Though what I'd REALLY like is to find a tenor my age to sing it with me!).

Btw, did the track you use annoy you? If I'm right, I think it was the one I used, the one in the 4th soprano book, and it bothered me SOOOOOOO MUCH while singing much that I had to get my voice teacher (who is really a good pianist but insecure) to record it for me, when I sang it for my showcase...not ideal, since he made me sing in his ear when I recorded it (with my phone, no less) so he could play at my tempo and you still kinda hear me singing when I sang over it, but oh well. Anyway my point is that that track might have messed you up tempo wise too.

Also, I have to say you're really adorable...I, being extremely short, get told that a lot too, so don't take it personally. I know you would have made a GREAT Little Sally and that you WERE a great Little Becky by seeing this! Was Urinetown filmed?

And YAYYYYY for you almost being out of school! I can't wait to hear more of the update! :D

Sarah said...

Thanks for the comment! Yeah, I was nervous, which surprised me because I thought I've gotten over being afraid to sing infront of people. I guess it was because most of my teacher's students have amazing voices, and those who don't are still good, it's just that that haven't been studying with her for long. Me, I've been taking lessons from her for a little over a year.

We've worked on a bunch of things, some more than others. I actually really need to practice them all, because when Urinetown started I was getting ready to audition, then I was working on Little Becky, and then I was singing Follow Your Heart to get ready for the recital, and I think it was during Urinetown that I was focusing on the song "The Daisies" for NYSSMA. It's been so long since we've worked on anything else, lol.

I definately think I'll work on the song a bit more. Not now, of course, because I've been singing it so much lately I'm a little tired of singing, but definately after a break. You should totes post a video! I would definately sing it with you, if I were a male tenor. ;]

In the video I was singing with an accompanist, but I had only really practiced with him like twice. The CD (I think it was the same as yours. My teacher burned the track onto a new CD for me and I used that to practice) was kind of annoying, though. My main issue with the music in general is that there are these long pauses where there would have been dialogue and I never know what to do with myself.

Psh. I'm called adorable all the time. Why? BECAUSE I AM. ;D
Haah, it's probably the obsenely oversized bow I'm wearing. It reminds my of Minnie Mouse, so I figured it would be good at "subtly" hinting at Hope's character when I sang. x]

Urinetown was filmed by some people for, like, personal uses, but my parents didn't film it because, well, we don't own a video camera. So I don't have a copy. I've considered asking someone who's parents filmed the show if I could have a copy, but I never think about it when I'm in school. Maybe if I can remember to ask tomorrow she can bring it in during one of the finals and I can have it before summer break.

YAYYYYY. I'll try to write it up today after my homework if I have time. :]

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