
Friday, June 18, 2010


Aah... I feel like I have so much to look forward to right now. Two musicals, two shows, and SUMMER.

Today was my French final. I didn't think it was that hard, but while I'm at home a while later I get a call from my French teacher. She said that I got a 100 and she was so excited that she wanted to tell me. Of course, I probably didn't give her the super excited reaction she expected, because I was a little weirded out that for the second time today I was getting a call from one of my teachers.

The first time, my chorus teacher had been calling kids to remind them of the rehersal for high school graduation, which the high school chorus is supposed to sing at.

Either way, now that I've had time for it to sink in, I'm pretty excited. French is one of my best subjects, but I definately didn't expect 100. High 90's? Definately. 100? Definately not.

So now I have a nice long weekend. Today I had to come home from my test and clean because we're having a party tomorrow where a friend of my mom's and my dad's coworkers are coming over for a barbeque. My only problem with it is that the oldest kid that's coming is like 10. I'll survive, though. I always do. ;P

I'm counting down the days until the summer workshop that I've mentioned before begins. July 6th- less than a month away. It'll be interesting getting ready for two shows at the same time.

The broadway review is going well. I mean, almost everyone knows each other there so I still feel a little akward, but we've only had 3 rehersals so far. I know I'll be more comfortable as time goes on. I will have to miss a few rehersals, though. And THAT, my friends, is the REAL good news:

After months of my begging, my parents bought tickets to see Chicago. We're going on June 30th. I'm so excited! I love the movie, but I haven't seen it live. And Ruthie Henshall is great. Not only that, but my mad was given four free tickets to see Memphis on July 20th. I mean, I'll have to miss 2 rehersals and one of the days of the summer workshop, but it's worth it. It's not very often that I get to look forward to 2 Broadway shows at the same time. I think it's happened once. Last year, there was a field trip for chorus and we were going to see Phantom of the Opera. I was looking forward to it for months, and then suddenly my dad was given tickets for Phantom of the Opera. The two shows were two days apart, so I saw it with my family, then saw it again two days later with my school. Goodtimes, goodtimes. =]

Ooh, and my last final is on Tuesday. Then? Summer HERE I COME.

Total change of subject here, but maybe Sunday and/or Monday I'll actually make plans with someone.

I'm sick and tired of watching the world go by wishing I could be a part of it. I go on Facebook and see people posting things like "Great night with _____, _____, and _____" or "At _____'s house". I see people posting pictures of them hanging out with their best friends having a grand old time. And frankly? I'm tired of looking at them all and thinking "Gee, I wish I was there." "Gee, I wish my friends wanted to do something with me." I always say how annoying it is when people complain about things in their life and do nothing to correct it. "I'm fat." Then exersize! "I'm stupid." Then maybe you should actually try in school. "I have no friends." Stop complaining about yourself and people might like you a little better!

You would think I could take my own advise.

So, from now on, I will.

There's a world out there that I've been missing out on. Some will say I'm not missing much. In fact, I've already been told that. I don't care that I'm not missing out on much, I care that I'm missing out. I'm missing out on the chance to be a happy, outgoing girl. I'm missing out on the chance to make new friends and make old friends better ones. I'm missing out on the chance to have a life. Oppertunity is most certainly not a lengthy visitor.

By the time I graduate in June of 2013, I will be rid of this timid burdon that has weighed me down for way too long. I've come a heck of a long was since middle school.

Actually, I've come a heck of a long way since the beginning of the year.
The point is, I'm through pushing people away.

Let's play a game, shall we?
I am going to post a list of the thinks I want to do before I die. Each time I accoomplish one item from the list, I will repost the list minus whatever I accomplished. For example, if my list was to learn to drive, write a book, and get a 100 on a final, I would now be able to repost my list as learn to drive and write a book.

So here it is:

-Fall in love
-Become more outgoing
-Visit France
-Win an award for acting
-Preform on Broadway
-Master some style of dance
-Find some way to make money
(Because, while I'm old enough to work, I'm not old enough for anyone to really want to hire me)
-Get a new phone(I've had the same one since Christmas of 6th grade. :P)

So what is so gamelike about this you ask? The goal of this game is to add to it whenever you can, cross things off whenever you can, and never, NEVER let the list become empty. Why? Because without things to work for, I'll get lazy, and if I have nothing to look forward to, then I'll be miserable.

Some of the things on this list can be done in a day, some could take a lifetime, some might never happen... but this list is my way of telling myself "Don't forget to dream," and reminding myself to work for what I want, instead of just wishing for it to appear.

Some wishes come true, but they rarely come true without effort.

I might/might not post another version of the list soon, because I definately had more in mind an hour or two ago when I was thinking about what I would put on it. For now, this'll do.

And don't forget to smile today. :)


Sarah said...

That was kind of obnoxiously long. xD

Anonymous said...

It's so funny, because I'm in the middle of writing an "inspiration" blog post, too, which fits this mood. And NEVER apologize for long entries! I adore them! (See how long MY blog entries are???).

I definitely feel you. I've definitely struggled with shyness too, and I can't count the many times I've seen on Facebook people making plans together or professing their undying love for each other and their friendship. I remember coming home from camp and almost bursting into tears because of how everyone was writing on each other's walls, "OMG, I MISS AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!", though I'd barely made any friends myself. I still feel lonely a lot of time and left out at school. The worst thing was that the senior class who just graduated was especially artsy, but mainly due to my being left out of the school's theatre scene, I wasn't able to make friends with many of them, and it was UNBELIEVABLY painful to watch and just feeling like I could be thrown away. We have something at my school called senior wills, where seniors will underclassmen random items, and I didn't even stick around because I didn't want to watch everyone receiving something and not me. And guess what? I didn't even receive one single thing. It still hurts now, especially as the incoming senior class doesn't have very many artsy people, and I feeling that I'm not going to be willed ANYthing during my whole time in high school.

So yes, go after it. Take the plunge and become closer with people you've always wanted to get to know. But what's helped me a lot is reminding myself that friends come in all shapes and sizes. As an only child (are you too?), I've spent most of my life with adults, and as a result, I have a lot of friends who are older than I am. Weird? Sure, but it's nice to be with people who can understand me on a mature level and won't cause stupid teenage "drama". I'm also really close with my family and talk to them about everything. So maybe it's atypical, and yes, there are certainly times I get down on myself about friends and have to snap myself out of it, but it always helps to remind myself that there ARE people who deeply care about me, and I'm always going to be someone who has a smaller, close group of friends than a large group of casual aquaintances.

On a lighter note, that's AWESOME about Bway and your French test (wish I could get a 100 on my French tests)!!!! What songs are you doing in your revue? Are the songs already picked or how does that work?

Sarah said...

I'm not an only child, but I am close to my family. They're among the few people I know that I can talk to for hours on end. But I really know exactly how you feel, because I'm almost exactly the same way. It's a terrible feeling to feel like you've been left behind, and I get it all the time. But that's what I have- a large group of aquaintances. People who say I'm their friend, who talk to me in school, who talk to me via status comments on Facebook, but I feel like a real /friend/ would make some effort to see me in person. And since few people seem to be doing that, I'll just have to do it myself.

And thanks, I'm really excited. The songs are picked. We have more, but so far we've begun working on Good Morning Baltimore from Hairspray, The Song of Purple Summer from Spring Awakening, Wedding Day from the Wedding Singer, 9 to 5 from... er... 9 to 5, and Show Choir from Show Choir! - The Musical. You wouldn't have heard of the last one, though, because it's a musical that someone who is helping/choreographing the show co-wrote. There's a site, so you can google it if you want to hear the song.

Anonymous said...

I feel you. High school is also a crazy busy place, and I know at my school at least, not too many people do hang out very much outside of school. But idk about yours...

The songs are AWESOME! I'm especially excited to hear you're doing the Song of Purple Summer. Are there any solos or just group numbers?

Sarah said...

People at my school hang out after school all of the time here. :P

There are solos, group numbers, and I wanna say maybe duets. It's a mix. :3

Anonymous said...

High School is crazy :S

haha :)

check out my blog at: :)

cheers :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah! Hope your summer is going well! I gave you a Sweet Blogger award! Check out my blog to see how to retrieve it!

The Online Musical said...

Hey Sarah!

My name is Anna McGrady, and I am on the staff of "Musical: The Online Musical". We're a group of about 40 students from the University of Virginia who are writing, composing, performing, and producing a 12-part interactive musical where the viewer determines what happens next. Every Saturday for 12 weeks we come together to record that week's 10 minute-long segment, which is premiered on Youtube that Monday. Viewers respond via Youtube video responses, emails, mp3s, or comments on our website that Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Thursday we start writing next week's segment. Essentially what we're trying to do is create a musical that is completely organic and grows each week based on what our viewers want to see happen.

It's pretty obvious that we all love musical theatre, and a lot of us can definitely relate to the trials and tribulations of performing and trying to keep up with theatre as you transition from high school to the real world.

We are looking for responses and suggestions especially from those knowledgeable and passionate about musical theatre, especially younger people, and would love if you were able to give us responses for our next episodes and watch as we grow. I also contacted Mara (bway2be), and I really hope that you guys can participate! Our promo video is up online, and our first episode premieres this Monday, Sept. 20 at 8pm Eastern Time.

Our Youtube page is:
Our website is:
Follow us on Twitter! @onlinemusical

Regards and good luck with your shows!
The Cast and Crew of "Musical: The Online Musical"

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