
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony~!

^obscure Producers reference? Cheesy? ;]

I'm so excited for the Tonys tonight. Like, really. Super excited. I don't know why I've been looking forward to them so much more than usual, but I have. I love watching the performers especially, even though all it really does is get me really excited about a musical I'll probably never see. Next to Normal, anyone?

So I went to Dorney Park on Friday. That was an adventure. The very first ride I went on was the Hydra. That is a roller coaster.

I don't do roller coasters.

I do have to admit, though, it must have been hilarious for my peers and the strangers around me to see me being dragged - quite literally - into the line. I was seriously fighting the entire time, running in the opposite direction as a friend of mine pulled my by the wrist.

Yes, that was definitely a sight.
And, just because tone of voice does not translate well through text, I'm not being sarcastic.
It seriously must have been really funny. x]

I was in Dorney Park for a field trip with my chorus class. We competed in the competition called Music in the Parks, where basically, your school chorus and/or band goes, sings/plays for some judges, spends the day in Dorney Park, and then finds out their place. I think my school won something like best featured soloist, best mixed chorus at a high school level, best mixed chorus period, and best chorus period.


I'm also pretty excited for tomorrow. The Broadway review I auditioned for/blogged about starts auditions tomorrow at 6. Oh? What else? It's also the last day of school? WOW. I guess tomorrow is just going to be packed with epicness.

Let's see. Whatelsewhatelse? I'm in such a theatre mood right now, you don't even know. First I watched an episode of I Love Lucy where she's having a dream after seeing a show, so her dream is like a musical, and then the end of Phantom of the Opera: Behind the Mask, then Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, then The Making of Cats or whatever it was called, and now Cats, and after that the Tony Awards. Last night a friend and I went to the community college to see The Fantasticks. I was familliar with the show and the person I took lessons from before I came to my voice teacher had been working on "Much More" with me, but I had never actually seen it or heard any of the other music. My friend's friend was in it, so we decided to go see it. I was really good. :]

So, uh... I think that's it for now.
That's why I need to blog more often. I tend to forget things, and then I leave stuff out, and yeah.

I guess I'll just edit this post or add it to my next post if I think of something else? ;]


Anonymous said...

I'm super sad since I can't see the Tonys till tomorrow at the earliest because of being on vacation. :( I'm trying my best to avoid spoilers.

I worked on Much More for a little while too, but I've never seen the Fantasticks live. That is very cool!

Congrats about your choir and yay about being out of school today! Is it a rehearsal tomorrow or another audition? Either way, tell us about it!

Sarah said...

Well, it's a good thing you were able to get it recorded, so you can still watch it. :D

I'm totally inspired to start working of it again. I've barely thought of that song, let alone sung it, for a couple of years, and now that I'm actually old enough to play Luisa and I've seen the show so I have a better idea of her character and the context when she sings this... I'm sure it'll be easier.

It was the first rehersal. I'll have to blog about it tomorrow, because I'm surrently in the middle of getting reaady for my finals. ]x

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm totally not surprised you got in, though! It sounds you like a great audition! Is it with adults too or people our age?

Sarah said...

It's kind of a mix of ages. There's one or two people that look yound to me, there are a couple of adults, and then everyone else was in the middle. I think I'm on the younger side of them, though, because someone was talking to someone else and they mentioned a girl in a show they were in recently and they were all like "I know, she was so good, right? And she was only 15!"

Of course me, /being 15/ felt a little akward, lol.

Anonymous said...

I was checking out your blog, then all the sudden I realized that you had my link on your "Links Things". I felt so bad that I didn't have yours!! So now it's on my blog! Just letting you know..

I love the Tony's also!! That's one of my super happy moments in Summer! =)

Sarah said...

Haah, it's no problem. :D

Anonymous said...

Amazing - I love Andrew Lloyd Webber! <3
Check out my blog!

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